Sunday, November 15, 2009

Continual Service

The presence of the Lord was felt this morning in the worship service at Kempville Chapel. We felt a move of the Spirit settle down on us during the song service and as we were coming to the close of the song service the Lord moved upon me to have a couple of people come to the front for special prayer. As those that came up for prayer and those that were "laying on of hands" were praying the Spirit of the Lord moved in a mighty way and I believe that there was healing happening in those individuals. There were more that came forward for prayer as the Spirit was stirring in the prayers of the saints.

I was lead to a very familiar passage of scripture found in the book of Daniel chapter 6. The Holy Ghost spoke to us through this "Sunday School Story" that so many learn as a child. I love it when we can take an old familiar story from the Bible and have the Holy Ghost direct our lives and allow us to learn something fresh and new. The Lord brought out something in that passage that I had not seen before in reading and studying of the Word. The scripture tells us in verse 16 that the king, Darius, commanded them to bring Daniel and cast him into the den of lions. And here is what the Lord showed me this morning that I never saw before, he, Darius, spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee. Darius new that Daniel was faithful to his God and that he served him, continually!

We have to serve God continually in our lives and not let up! The Lord had favor on Daniel to have the angels come and shut the mouths of the lions because of the dedication that Daniel had to Him. Daniel had a continual servanthood with the Lord. This meant that no matter the cost, no matter the circumstance, no matter the outcome of the "written law", no matter the trial and hurts of life, he continually served the Lord. We can have the same favor of the Lord today if we will set our sights on the Lord and continually serve Him no matter what the cost!!!!

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