Friday, June 4, 2010

Camp Hickory Hills

I will not be posting anything for at least a week from today due to being out of town. I have been asked to participate in Youth Camp for the Church of God of Prophecy this coming week for the Senior (ages 15-17) camp! I am very much excited about this opportunity because I actually grew up going to camp with a lot of the, now, workers of youth camp. Does that mean we are getting old? Anyway, I'm looking forward to harvesting new relationships with young people from all across Tennessee. I can sit right where I am today and think back on my youth camp experiences and relationships that God has cultivated over the years and I believe that those experiences and relationships helped mold me into what I am today. Not that I am anything special, but I know where I've been and what God has brought me through! I thank God for Church Camp and I just want to "return the favor"!

This years theme for the Senior camp is:

Colossians 2:8 says, “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” The “Basic” principles we need are those of Christ! Do we have these tools, these “Basic” principles, that Christ intends us to have in order to stand against the enemy? Furthermore, do we have the “Basic” principles we need in order to disciple those we are winning to Christ?

Please keep campers & workers in your prayers this week (Sat. - Thur.) that the Holy Spirit will work in our lives and make us the Christians that we ought to be. Pray that we will impact someones life for God this week! God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Getting old maybe,old in mind and heart never,just doesn't happen when your mind and heart is stayed on the Lord!!Take my word for that as a lot older person than you,lol,you just never reach that place,you are continually climbing to greater heights and that's the kid in you wanting to go hogher and higher.Hope you had a sucessful camp and I know you enjoyed it and it energized you,did you bring back part of that energy with you ?Your going to need it.I liked the title of the camp you were at I am sure you did a great job with teaching because you could relate a lot of information on this subject of letting GOD be GOD and man keep his place where he ought to be,behind Him listening to every word that proceeds out of his mouth instead of trying to make his words up for Him.Close for now to long a sermon already just wanted to say GOOD JOB someone is watching and listening!!!!!! SIS.MAMA
