Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Excuse the spelling

Sometimes I get carried away in the Lord and as you can tell in my previous blog, I mispelled some words. But you know what, God is still in control and he has a sense of humor just like we do, after all, he made me a preacher!

Blessed are those that hunger and thirst

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." Matthew 5:6

I've been away from posting anything on the blog for a while but I fill impressed to write today about what God has been dealing with me about for the past few days. The past few weeks have been really great for me as my walk with God is getting stronger everyday the more that I learn to trust in the Holy Ghost. I am trying to be lead by the "Comforter" everyday.
I have really been blessed to have attended a revival service last week in Hartsville, Tn under anointing preaching of the Holy Ghost. Bro. McSpadden briefly spoke with me before service started but he didn't have a clue what I was experiencing with my walk with God. He knew that I was a Pastor, but nothing else. During the message, which spoke directly to me, Bro. McSpadden was used by the Holy Ghost to give me and my wife a Word from God. God knows our situations and he knows what the outcome will be. We have to learn to trust in Him and lean not unto our own understanding but lean on Him.
Bro. McSpadden had told the church that he was preaching at that the revival theme was going to be on finances because of the economy. He had preached about money and the economy and prosperity of the saints Sunday morning and night, and also on Monday night, but as the Spirit started moving in the Worship service Tuesday night the Lord told him to preach on the "Water". This message was about the moving of the Holy Ghost and the realms that we can be in if we live Holy lives and let God lead us to what He wants for our lives.
Our services here at Kempville Chapel for the past three weeks have been tremendous!! The Holy Ghost has shown up and we are spending time in the presence of God! To God be the glory! We had a young man SAVED this past Sunday morning as we had all of the young people of the church gather at the altar and had the adults surround them with prayer. It was a great day in the Lord.