Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Send your Glory Lord

"If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 4:11

I cannot describe to you the awesome, riveting, running over, exciting presence of God and His Glory that is starting to fill our hearts, minds, souls, and spirits here at the Lebanon Church of God of Prophecy! As you may or may not know, I have accepted the full time pastorate position at this church. I'm just in awe of God and His divine appointments that He has brought my way. I'm very thankful to be where I am today and I know that it's only by the grace and mercy of God that He has given me this season to minister to a great church body that has an excitement about them to "go into the harvest" and reach the lost for Jesus!

This past Sunday morning I was lead to minister to the congregation about the urgency to have the Glory of God in our individual lives, homes, and churches. I was lead to the account of the daughter-in-law of Eli found in 1 Samuel chapter 4. His daughter-in-law had given birth to a son, Ichabod. The name Ichabod has a meaning of "The glory has departed, or left" and he was named this because the Ark of the Covenant of God had been taken from the people of Israel. So often in our lives, we put ourselves into situations to where we find ourselves not walking in the glory of God. Sometimes, we allow ourselves to be mislead by what we subject our thoughts and actions to, that we don't give room for the glory of God to be welcomed into our lives.

We don't have to walk in "yesterdays" achievements. We don't have to continue on the same beaten path because it's always been the thing to do. I believe God is calling us to a greater standard than what we have been living and it's time to pray for the replacement of the spirit of Ichabod and accept the spirit of Immanuel, "God with us!" We have, for so long, let men's opinions and sinful ways dictate our blessings and outcomes of our situations instead of desiring "more God" in our lives. I believe, in my own spiritual walk, that I need to pray for the spirit of Immanuel in my life, everyday! It's when we put our total trust in God for our lives, that He truly blesses us with His glory!

What an awesome "revival" the church of God will experience when we start letting God work in our services, our lives, our work, our homes, etc... I pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit so that we can experience the  Glory of God in our churches like they did in the early church in the book of Acts. Why aren't we "adding to the church daily?" Maybe because we have been walking in the wrong spirit for too long. Let's expect the glory of God to be a refreshing breath of energy in our church services and subsequently revival will happen!