Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I did something yesterday that I have never done before in my life! I went to Books-a-million and bought Jentezen Franklin's book "Fasting" and started at 3:30pm reading NINE (9) chapters before putting it down and then I finished the other 8 chapters this morning! I couldn't put it down! I have never read a book, cover to cover, in less than 24 hours!! For that matter, I can't remember ever reading a book cover to cover in less than 24 months! Ha! Oh yeah, I did read "Primal" cover to cover just a few weeks ago (i forgot), "am I turning into a book nerd?" If it glorifies God in my life, it's ok to be a book nerd! Anyway...

One of Jentezen's first comments in his book is this, "When I feel myself growing dry spiritually, when I don't sense that cutting-edge anointing, or when I need a fresh encounter with God, fasting is the secret key that unlocks heaven's door and slams shut the gates of hell." Do you ever feel like you are drained spiritually and your anointing seems to be fading away? I've been in that feeling before and the enemy will try to make mountains out of mole hills when you feel this way. As previously blogged, I have challenged my congregation to join me in a 21 day fast for the new year beginning this Friday at midnight. I'm ramped up and ready to go!

As we begin a new year, I want God's anointing to be "in high definition" in my life so that the "gospel of Jesus Christ can be spread abroad" to a lost and dying world. I'm seeking direction in my ministry as well as for Kempville Chapel. "Lord, what is your will for your people for 2010?" Let's have this question in our hearts and minds as we begin another great year of our Lord!

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