Wednesday, December 2, 2009


"Your word, O Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth and it endures." Psalm 119:89,90

I'm going to let you in on a little secret this morning (some of you already know if you sit in our congregation). The end of October, somewhere around the last two days of the month, I was in prayer and the Lord impressed upon me that I needed to be more "consistent" in my devotion with Him. It wasn't the first reminder from the Lord because I had a man of God minister to me through his calling and spoke some very strong words from the Lord. Let me tell you, when you know that God is talking to you "in plain English", i.e. when you get the understanding that God isn't pleased with you, it's a wake up call! The Lord has had me to awaken very early in the morning for the whole month of November. Since November 1st I have been setting my "alarm phone" (who knew what a phone's capacity would turn out to be) and going over to the church, or in one case sitting in my living room, and spending time in prayer and devotion to God. Its amazing how you feel and things go when God is the first one you speak to and meditate on first thing in the morning. Try it sometime!

I didn't say all this to boast in me and my discipline on getting up early in the morning, I want to brag on God! Yesterday was December 1st and I went ahead and set my alarm phone the night before and had every intention of getting up and continuing my devotion as I have been doing the whole month of November, but I never heard the alarm go off! When I woke up at 6:30 am (I have been waking up around 4:45, before the alarm) I had missed my wake up call! I looked at my phone and just like it had for 30 days, it did everything in its program to wake me up. When I was able to collect my thoughts I realized and "heard" God tell me, "thank you", for He let me sleep another hour and a half yesterday morning. When I told Kelly about it her response was, "He let you sleep this morning." Even though the phone did it's job, the Lord softened the sound in my ears (and Kelly's) and we received some good sleep! You see, I saw this as a "reward for those who diligently seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6) How great a God we serve!!

Let's be diligent in our walk with God today and let Him teach us His ways and His love for us. He does love us and wants us to know that He's not a "mean God". He loves you today and His word is true and eternal! Live by faith and He will honor you! Be blessed today and be careful, it's a messy morning outside (rain and cold).

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