Thursday, January 7, 2010

He's All I Need

He's all I need
He's all I need
Jesus is all I need.
He satisfies
My needs supply
Jesus is all I need.

This is a simple worship hymn that sums it all up! I'm reminded of the woman with the issue of blood that had been sick for twelve years and the bible says that "she had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse." (Mark 5:26 niv). For twelve long years suffering with this condition and doing everything that she possibly could do without avail, I wonder if she ever got weary? I'm sure that she must have been frustrated after doing everything possible to be healthy. I find when I keep reading in that passage that she did have something that she had not run out of or spent yet, she had hope! You see when she heard about Jesus, I believe that the hope of being healed by Him grew more and more by the moment and when she finally saw Him and got behind Him she reached out and touched His cloak (garment) and "immediately" the bleeding stopped! He's all that she needed! Her "faith" was all she needed to be healed by the "Healer"!

I know that some of you reading this today have joined in with me and others in prayer and fasting for the first 21 days of the year and you may be getting frustrated and weak and weary. But let me remind you that your sacrifice will be blessed and that Jesus is all you need! I know it's hard to give up some things that our bodies are addicted to (cokes, little debbie cakes, meat, O'Charley's rolls, etc...) but without the sacrifice there is no atonement. We have to be determined that no matter what comes our way and no matter how many withdrawals we have, Jesus is all we need! I trust that you are praying and seeking God for direction in your lives today and wanting more of Jesus. He's all I need!

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